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AllenBrainOntology(path_to_allen_json, blacklisted_acronyms=[], version=None)

Crates an ontology of brain regions based on Allen Institute's structure graphs. To know more where to get the structure graphs, read the official guide from Allen Institute. However, the ontology differs from the region annotations depeding on the version of the common coordinate framework (CCF). This happens when a new CCF version changes a branch in the ontoloy to reflect a new scientific consesus. In Allen's website, the "old" brain region can be identified in grey italic text: If you want to clean the ontology based on a particular version of the CCF, you can provide a valid value for version


  • path_to_allen_json : str

    The path to an Allen structural graph json

  • blacklisted_acronyms : Iterable, default= []

    Acronyms of branches from the onthology to exclude completely from the analysis

  • version : str | None, default= None

    Must be "CCFv1", "CCFv2", "CCFv3", "CCFv4" or None. The version of the Common Coordinates Framework to which the onthology is synchronised

direct_subregions instance-attribute

A dictionary mappin region's acronyms to a list of direct subregions.


>>> braian.utils.cache("ontology.json", "")
>>> brain_ontology = braian.AllenBrainOntology("ontology.json", [])
>>> brain_ontology.direct_subregions["ACA"]
["ACAv", "ACAd"]                                    # dorsal and ventral part
>>> brain_ontology.direct_subregions["ACAv"]
["ACAv5", "ACAv2/3", "ACAv6a", "ACAv1", "ACAv6b"]   # all layers in ventral part

full_name instance-attribute

A dictionary mapping a regions' acronym to its full name.


is_region(r, key='acronym')

Check whether a region is recognised in the current ontology or not


  • r : int | str

    A value that uniquely indentifies a brain region (e.g. its acronym)

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to identify r


  • bool

    True, if a region identifiable by r exists in the ontoloy. False otherwise.


are_regions(a, key='acronym')

Check whether each of the elements of the iterable are a brain region of the current ontology or not


  • a : Iterable

    List of values that identify uniquely a brain region (e.g. their acronyms)

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to identify a


  • npt.NDArray

    An array of bools being True where the corresponding value in a is a region and False otherwise


contains_all_children(parent, regions)

Check whether a brain region contains all the given regions


  • parent : str

    An acronym of a brain region

  • regions : Container[str]

    The regions to check as subregions of parent


  • bool

    True if all regions are direct subregions of parent



Returns the minimum set of regions that covers all the given regions, and not more.


  • acronyms : Iterable[str]

    The acronyms of the regions to cover


  • list[str]

    A list of acronyms of regions


>>> braian.utils.cache("ontology.json", "")
>>> brain_ontology = braian.AllenBrainOntology("ontology.json", [])
>>> sorted(brain_ontology.minimimum_treecover(['P', 'MB', 'TH', 'MY', 'CB', 'HY']))
['BS', 'CB']
>>> sorted(brain_ontology.minimimum_treecover(["RE", "Xi", "PVT", "PT", "TH"]))
['MTN', 'TH']


blacklist_regions(regions, key='acronym', has_reference=True)

Blacklists from further analysis the given regions the ontology, as well as all their sub-regions. If the reason of blacklisting is that regions no longer exist in the used version of the Common Coordinate Framework, set has_reference=False


  • regions : Iterable

    Regions to blacklist

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to identify the regions to blacklist

  • has_reference : bool, default= True

    If regions exist in the used version of the CCF or not


  • ValueError

    If it can't find at least one of the regions in the ontology



Returns the biggest brain region of each branch in the ontology that was blacklisted


  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to indentify the returned regions


  • list

    A list of blacklisted regions, each of which is identifiable with key



Select all non-overlapping brain regions at the same depth in the ontology. If a brain region is above the given depth but has no sub-regions, it is selected anyway.


  • depth : int

    The desired depth in the ontology to select

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_summary_structures select_regions get_regions



Select all non-overlapping brain regions at the same structural level in the ontology. The structural level is an attribute given to each region by Allen, defining different level of granularity to study the brain. If a brain region is above the given level and has no sub-regions, it is not selected.


  • level : int

    The structural level in the ontology to select

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_leaves select_summary_structures select_regions get_regions



Select all th enon-overlapping smallest brain regions in the ontology. A region is also selected if it's not the smallest possible, but all of its sub-regions are blacklisted

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_summary_structures select_regions get_regions



Select all summary structures in the ontology. The list of Summary Structures is defined by Allen as a set of non-overlapping, finer divisions, independent of their exact depth in the tree. They are a set of brain regions often used in the literature.

Summary Structures can be retrieved from Table S2 of this article:

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_regions get_regions


select_regions(regions, key='acronym')

Select the given regions in the ontology


  • regions : Iterable

    The brain regions to select

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to indentify the regions


  • ValueError

    If it can't find at least one of the regions in the ontology

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_summary_structures get_regions


add_to_selection(regions, key='acronym')

Add the given brain regions to the current selection in the ontology


  • regions : Iterable

    The brain regions to add to selection

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to indentify the regions

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_summary_structures select_regions get_regions



Check whether the current ontology is currently selecting any brain region.


  • bool

    True, if the current ontology had a selection method previosuly called. Otherwise, False.

See also

get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_summary_structures select_regions get_regions



Returns a non-overlapping list of selected non-blacklisted brain regions


  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to indentify the regions


  • list

    A list of brain regions identified by key

See also

has_selection unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_summary_structures select_regions get_regions



Returns a list of acronyms of non-overlapping regions based on the selection method.


  • selection_method : str

    Must be "summary structure", "major divisions", "leaves", "depth " or "structural level "


  • list[str]

    A list of acronyms of brain regions


  • ValueError

    If selection_method is not recognised

See also

has_selection get_selected_regions unselect_all add_to_selection select_at_depth select_at_structural_level select_leaves select_summary_structures select_regions


ids_to_acronym(ids, mode='depth')

Converts the given brain regions IDs into their corresponding acronyms.


  • ids : Container[int]

    The brain regions' IDs to convert

  • mode : str, default= 'depth'

    Must be eithe "breadth" or "depth". The order in which the returned acronyms will be: breadth-first or depth-first



  • ValueError

    If given mode is not supported

  • ValueError

    If it can't find at least one of the ids in the ontology


acronym_to_ids(acronyms, mode='depth')

Converts the given brain regions acronyms into ther corresponding IDs


  • acronyms : Container[str]

    the brain regons' acronyms to convert

  • mode : str, default= 'depth'

    Must be eithe "breadth" or "depth". The order in which the returned acronyms will be: breadth-first or depth-first


  • list[int]

    A list of region IDs


  • ValueError

    If given mode is not supported

  • ValueError

    If it can't find at least one of the ids in the ontology


get_sibiling_regions(region, key='acronym')

Get all brain regions that, combined, make the whole parent of the given region

It does not take into account blacklisted regions


  • region : str | int

    A brain region

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to indentify the regions


  • list

    All region's sibilings, including itself


  • ValueError

    If it can't find a parent for the given region


get_parent_regions(regions, key='acronym')

Finds, for each of the given brain regions, their parent region in the ontology

It does not take into account blacklisted regions


  • regions : Iterable

    The brain regions to search the parent for

  • key : str, default= 'acronym'

    The key in Allen's structural graph used to indentify the regions


  • dict

    A dicrtionary mapping region→parent


  • ValueError

    If it can't find the parent of one of the given regions


list_all_subregions(acronym, mode='breadth')

Lists all subregions of a brain region, at all hierarchical levels.

It does not take into account blacklisted regions


  • acronym : str

    The acronym of the brain region

  • mode : str, default= 'breadth'

    Must be eithe "breadth" or "depth". The order in which the returned acronyms will be: breadth-first or depth-first


  • list

    A list of subregions of acronym


  • ValueError

    If given mode is not supported

  • ValueError

    If it can't find acronym in the ontology



Lists all the regions for which acronym is a subregion.

It does not take into account blacklisted regions


  • acronym : str

    Acronym of the brain region of which you want to know the regions above


  • list[str]

    List of all regions above, excluding acronym


get_corresponding_md(acronym, *acronyms)

Finds the corresponding major division for each on the the acronyms. The returned dictionary is sorted in depth-first-search order.

It does not take into account blacklisted regions


  • acronym : str

    Acronym of the brain region of which you want to know the corresponding major division


  • OrderedDict[str, str]

    An OrderedDict mapping \(\text{region acronym}→\text{major division}\)


  • ValueError

    If it can't find some of the given acronym in the ontology.



Returns the layer 1 in the Isocortex accordingly to CCFv3


  • list[str]

    A list of acronyms of brain regions



Computes a dictionary that translates acronym of a brain region into a hex color triplet


  • dict[str, str]

    A dictionary that maps acronyms→color



Translates the current brain ontology into an igraph directed Graph, where nodes are brain regions and edges region→subregion relationships



BrainSlice(data, animal, name, is_split, area_units='µm2', brain_ontology=None)

Creates a BrainSlice from a DataFrame. Each row representes the data of a single brain region, whose acronym is used as index. If the data was collected distinguishing between the two hemispheres, the index is expected to be either Left: <ACRONYM> or Right: <ACRONYM>. The DataFrame is expected to have at least two columns: one named "area" corresponding to the size in area_units, and the others corresponding to the markers used to measure brain activity.


  • data : pd.DataFrame

    The data extracted from a brain slice.

  • animal : str

    The name of the animal from which the slice was cut.

  • name : str

    The name of hte brain slice.

  • is_split : bool

    Whether the data was extracted distinguishing between the two hemispheres or not.

  • area_units : str, default= 'µm2'

    The units of measurements used by "area" column in data. Accepted values are: "µm2", "um2" or mm2.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology | None, default= None

    If specified, it checks the brain regions in data against the given ontology and it sorts the rows in depth-first order in ontology's hierarchy.


  • InvalidRegionsHemisphereError

    If is_split=True but some rows' indices don't start with "Left: " or with "Right: ".

  • ValueError

    If the specified area_units is unknown.

animal instance-attribute

The name of the animal from which the current BrainSlice is from.

name instance-attribute

The name of the image that captured the section from which the data of the current BrainSlice are from.

is_split instance-attribute

Whether the data of the current BrainSlice make a distinction between right and left hemisphere.

markers property

The name of the markers for which the current BrainSlice has data.

from_qupath staticmethod

from_qupath(csv_file, ch2marker, *args, **kwargs)

Creates a BrainSlice from a file exported with qupath-extension-braian. Additional arguments are passed to BrainSlice's constructor.


  • csv_file : str | Path

    The path to file exported with AtlasManager.saveResults(). If it ends with ".csv", it treats the file as a comma-separated table. Otherwise, it assuems it is tab-separated.

  • ch2marker : dict[str, str]

    A dictionary mapping the QuPath channel names to markers. A cell segmentation algorithm must have previously run on each of the given channels.

  • *args

    Other arguments are passed to BrainSlice constructor.

  • **kwargs

    Other keyword arguments are passed to BrainSlice constructor.



  • EmptyResultsError

    If the given csv_file is empty

  • InvalidResultsError

    If the given csv_file is an invalid file. Probably because it was not exported through qupath-extension-braian.

  • NanResultsError

    If the number of total detections in all brain regions, exported from QuPath, is undefined

  • MissingResultsColumnError

    If csv_file is missing reporting the number of detection in at least one detected_channels.

read_qupath_exclusions staticmethod


Reads the regions to exclude from the analysis of a BrainSlice from a file exported with qupath-extension-braian.



  • list[str]

    A list of acronyms of brain regions.


  • ExcludedRegionsNotFoundError

    If the file_path was not found.


exclude_regions(excluded_regions, brain_ontology, exclude_parent_regions)

Takes care of the regions to be excluded from the analysis.
If exclude_parent_regions is False, for each region:

  1. the cell counts of that region is subtracted fromm all its parent regions
  2. its cell counts are deleted from the current BrainSlice, along with all of its subregions

If exclude_parent_regions is True, the parent regions of an excluded region is also deleted from the current BrainSlice since its cell count is determined also by that same region.

NOTE: Netherless, if a Layer 1 region is explicitly excluded, it won't impact (i.e. remove) the parent regions. This decision was taken because Layer 1 is often mis-aligned but with few detection. We don't want to delete too much data and we reckon that this exception does not impact too much on the data of the whole Isocortex.


  • excluded_regions : Iterable[str]

    a list of acronyms of the regions to be excluded from the analysis.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    an ontology against whose version the brain section was aligned.

  • exclude_parent_regions : bool

    Whether the cell counts of the parent regions are excluded or subtracted.


  • InvalidExcludedRegionsHemisphereError

    if BrainSlice.is_split but a region in excluded_regions is not considering left/right hemisphere distinction.

  • UnkownBrainRegionsError

    if a region in excluded_regions is not recognised from brain_ontology.

  • ExcludedAllRegionsError

    if there is no cell count left after the exclusion is done.

merge_hemispheres staticmethod


For each brain region, sums the data of left and right hemispheres into one single datum


  • slice : Self

    A brain section to merge


  • Self

    A new BrainSlice with no hemisphere distinction. If slice is already merged, it return the same instance with no changes.


SlicedBrain(name, slices, markers)

A SlicedBrain is a collection of BrainSlice, and it is an basic structure from which AnimalBrain are reconstructed.



  • EmptyBrainError

    If slices is empty.

is_split instance-attribute

Whether the data of the current SlicedBrain makes a distinction between right and left hemisphere.

name property writable

The name of the animal.

slices property

The list of slices making up the SlicedBrain.

from_qupath staticmethod

from_qupath(name, animal_dir, brain_ontology, ch2marker, exclude_parent_regions=False, results_subdir='results', results_suffix='_regions.tsv', exclusions_subdir='regions_to_exclude', exclusions_suffix='_regions_to_exclude.txt')

Creates a SlicedBrain from all the per-image files exported with qupath-extension-braian inside animal_dir. It assumes that cell counts and exclusions files have the following naming structure: <IDENTIFIER><SUFFIX>.<EXTENSION>. The identifier must be common in files relatives to the same image. The suffix must be common to files of the same kind (i.e. cell counts or exclusions). The extension defines whether the table is comma-separated or tab-separated.


  • name : str

    The name of the animal.

  • animal_dir : str | Path

    The path to where all the reports of the brain sections were saved from QuPath. Both per-region results and exclusions.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    An ontology against whose version the brain was aligned.

  • ch2marker : dict[str, str]

    A dictionary mapping QuPath channel names to markers.

  • exclude_parent_regions : bool, default= False

    exclude_parent_regions from BrainSlice.exclude_regions.

  • results_subdir : str, default= 'results'

    The name of the subfolder in animal_dir that contains all cell counts files of each brain section.
    It can be None if no subfolder is used.

  • results_suffix : str, default= '_regions.tsv'

    The suffix used to identify cell counts files saved in results_subdir. It includes the file extension.

  • exclusions_subdir : str, default= 'regions_to_exclude'

    The name of the subfolder in animal_dir that contains all regions to exclude from further analysis of each brain section.
    It can be None if no subfolder is used.

  • exclusions_suffix : str, default= '_regions_to_exclude.txt'

    The suffix used to identify exclusion files saved in results_subdir. It includes the file extension.


See also

BrainSlice.from_qupath BrainSlice.exclude_regions



Combines all the BrainSlice making up the current SlicedBrain into a DataFrame.


  • densities : bool, default= False

    If True, the result is a DataFrame of slices marker densities. Otherwise, the result will contain the cell counts.




Counts the number of slices that contains data for each brain region.


  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology, default= None

    If specified, it sorts and check the regions accordingly to the given atlas ontology.


  • BrainData

    A BrainData with the number of slices per region.

merge_hemispheres staticmethod


Creates a new SlicedBrain from all merged BrainSlice in sliced_brain.


  • sliced_brain : Self

    A sliced brain to merge.


  • Self

    A new SlicedBrain with no hemisphere distinction. If sliced_brain is already merged, it return the same instance with no changes.

See also



BrainData(data, name, metric, units, brain_ontology=None, fill_nan=False)

This class is the base structure for managing any data that associates values to brain regions. You can access its interanal representation through


  • data : pd.Series

    A pandas Series associating brain region acronyms (i.e. the index) to brain data (i.e. the values).

  • name : str

    A name identifying data.

  • metric : str

    The metric used to extract data. If they no metric was previosuly used, use RAW_TYPE.

  • units : str

    The units of measurment of the values in data.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology | None, default= None

    The ontology against which the extracted data was aligned. It is used to check that all data is attributable to a region in the ontology and to sort it accordingly.
    If left empty, no check or sorting is performed.

  • fill_nan

    If ontology is not None, it fills with NA the value of the regions in ontology and missing from data.

See also


RAW_TYPE class-attribute instance-attribute

The identifier used to specify the nature of raw data as 'metric' attribute in BrainData.

data instance-attribute

The internal representation of the current brain data.

is_split instance-attribute

Whether the data of the current BrainData makes a distinction between right and left hemisphere.

data_name instance-attribute

The name of the current BrainData.

metric instance-attribute

The name of the metric used to compute the data. Equals to RAW_TYPE if no previous normalization was preformed.

units instance-attribute

The units of measurement of the current BrainData.

regions property

The list of region acronyms for which the current instance records data.

reduce staticmethod

reduce(first, *others, op=pd.DataFrame.mean, name=None, op_name=None, same_units=True, **kwargs)

Reduces two (or more) BrainData into a single one based on a given function.
It fails if the given data don't all have the same metric.


  • first : Self

    The first data to reduce.

  • *others : Self, default= ()

    Any number of additional brain data to reduce.

  • op : Callable[[pd.DataFrame], pd.Series], default= pd.DataFrame.mean

    A function that maps a DataFrame into a Series. It must include an axis parameter.

  • name

    The name of the resulting BrainData.
    If not specified, it builds a name joining all given data names.

  • op_name

    The name of the reduction function. If not specified, it uses op name.

  • same_units

    Whether it should enforce the same units of measurement for all BrainData.

  • **kwargs

    Other keyword arguments are passed to op.


  • Self

    A new BrainData result of the reduction of all the given data.

mean staticmethod

mean(*data, **kwargs)

Computes the mean for each brain region between all data.


  • *data : Self, default= ()

    The BrainData to average.

  • **kwargs

    Other keyword arguments are passed to BrainData.reduce.


  • Self

    The mean of all data.

minimum staticmethod

minimum(*data, **kwargs)

Computes the minimum value for each brain region between all data.


  • *data : Self, default= ()

    The BrainData to search the minimum from.

  • **kwargs

    Other keyword arguments are passed to BrainData.reduce.


  • Self

    The minimum value of all data.

maximum staticmethod

maximum(*data, **kwargs)

Computes the maximum value for each brain region between all data.


  • *data : Self, default= ()

    The BrainData to search the maximum from.

  • **kwargs

    Other keyword arguments are passed to BrainData.reduce.


  • Self

    The maximum value of all data.


sort_by_ontology(brain_ontology, fill_nan=False, inplace=False)

Sorts the data in depth-first search order with respect to brain_ontology's hierarchy.


  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    The ontology to which the current data was registered against.

  • fill_nan

    If True, it sets the value to NaN for all the regions in brain_ontology missing in the current AnimalBrain.

  • inplace

    If True, it applies the sorting to the current instance.


  • Self

    Brain data sorted accordingly to brain_ontology. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.



Retrieves the value associated to the whole brain.


  • hemisphere : str, default= None

    Anything between "left", "L", "right" and "R".
    If the current BrainData is split, it defines for which hemisphere to retrieve the data. Otherwise, this parameter is ignored.


  • float

    The value of the root.


  • ValueError

    If hemisphere was not specified but the current BrainData is split.

  • ValueError

    If there is no data for the 'root' brain region.


min(skipna=True, skiinf=False)


  • skipna : bool, default= True

    If True, it does not consider NA values.

  • skiinf : bool, default= False

    If True, it does not consider infinite values.


  • float

    The smallest value in the current BrainData.


max(skipna=True, skiinf=False)


  • skipna : bool, default= True

    If True, it does not consider NA values.

  • skiinf : bool, default= False

    If True, it does not consider infinite values.


  • float

    The biggest value in the current BrainData.


remove_region(region, *regions, inplace=False, fill_nan=False)

Removes one or multiple regions from the current BrainData.


  • region : str

    Acronyms of the brain regions to remove.

  • *regions : str

    Acronyms of the brain regions to remove.

  • inplace : bool, default= False

    If True, it removes the region(s) from the current instance.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= False

    If True, instead of removing the region(s), it sets their value to NA


  • Self

    Brain data with regions removed. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.


set_regions(brain_regions, brain_ontology, fill=pd.NA, overwrite=False, inplace=False)

Assign a new value to the given brain_regions. It checks that each of the given brain region exists in the given brain_ontology.


  • brain_regions : Collection[str]

    The acronym of the brain regions to set the value for.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    The ontology to which the current data was registered against.

  • fill : Number | Collection[Number], default= pd.NA

    If a number, it sets the same value for all brain_regions.
    If a collection the same length as brain_region, it sets each brain region to the respective value in fill.

  • overwrite : bool, default= False

    If False, it fails if brain_regions contains region acronyms for which a value is already assigned.

  • inplace : bool, default= False

    If True, it sets the regions for the current instance.


  • Self

    Brain data with brain_regions added. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.


  • ValueError

    if fill is a collection of different length than brain_regions.

  • UnkownBrainRegionsError

    if any of brain_regions is missing in brain_ontology.



Return the acronyms of the brain regions with missing data.


  • list[str]

    The acronyms of the brain regions with missing data.


select_from_list(brain_regions, fill_nan=False, inplace=False)

Filters the data from a given list of regions.


  • brain_regions : Sequence[str]

    The acronyms of the regions to select from the data.

  • fill_nan

    If True, the regions missing from the current data are filled with NA. Otherwise, if the data from some regions are missing, they are ignored.

  • inplace

    If True, it applies the filtering to the current instance.


  • Self

    A brain data filtered accordingly to the given brain_regions. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.


select_from_ontology(brain_ontology, *args, **kwargs)

Filters the data from a given ontology, accordingly to a non-overlapping list of regions previously selected in brain_ontology.
It fails if no selection method was called on the ontology.



  • Self

    A brain data filtered accordingly to the given ontology selection.

See also

AllenBrainOntology.get_selected_regions AllenBrainOntology.unselect_all AllenBrainOntology.add_to_selection AllenBrainOntology.select_at_depth AllenBrainOntology.select_at_structural_level AllenBrainOntology.select_leaves AllenBrainOntology.select_summary_structures AllenBrainOntology.select_regions AllenBrainOntology.get_regions



Creates a new BrainData by merging the hemispheric data of the current instance.


  • Self

    A new BrainData with no hemisphere distinction. If the caller is already merged, it return the same instance with no changes.


Bases: Enum

Enum of the metrics used to reduce region data from SlicedBrain into a AnimalBrain.


  • SUM

    Computes the sum of all the sections data from the same region into a single value

  • MEAN

    Computes the average \(\mu\) of all the sections data from the same region into a single value

  • STD

    Computes the standard deviation \(\sigma\) between all the sections data from the same region into a single value

  • CVAR

    Computes the coefficient of variation \(\frac \mu \sigma\) between all the sections data from the same region into a single value


AnimalBrain(markers_data, sizes, raw=False)

Associates BrainData coming from a single subject, for each marker and for each brain region.


  • markers_data : dict[str, BrainData]

    A dictionary that associates the name of a marker to a BrainData

  • sizes : BrainData

    A BrainData with the size of the subject's brain regions.

  • raw : bool, default= False

    Whether the data can be considered raw (e.g., contains simple cell positive counts) or not.

markers instance-attribute

The name of the markers for which the current AnimalBrain has data.

markers_data instance-attribute

The whole-brain data for each marker.

sizes instance-attribute

The data corresponding to the size of each brain region of the current AnimalBrain.

raw instance-attribute

Whether the data can be considered raw (e.g., contains simple cell positive counts) or not.

metric property

The name of the metric used to compute current data. Equals to RAW_TYPE if no previous normalization was preformed.

is_split property

Whether the data of the current AnimalBrain makes a distinction between right and left hemisphere.

name property

The name of the animal.

regions property

The list of region acronyms for which the current AnimalBrain has data.

from_slices staticmethod

from_slices(sliced_brain, metric=SliceMetrics.SUM, min_slices=0, hemisphere_distinction=True, densities=False)

Crates a cohesive AnimalBrain from data coming from brain sections.


  • sliced_brain : SlicedBrain

    A sectioned brain.

  • metric : SliceMetrics | str, default= SliceMetrics.SUM

    The metric used to reduce sections data from the same region into a single value.

  • min_slices : int, default= 0

    The minimum number of sections for a reduction to be valid. If a region has not enough sections, it will disappear from the dataset.

  • hemisphere_distinction : bool, default= True

    if False and sliced_brain is split between left/right hemispheres, it first merges, for each section, the hemispheric data.

  • densities : bool, default= False

    If True, it computes the reduction on the section density (i.e., marker/area) instead of doing it on the raw cell counts.


  • Self

    An AnimalBrain.


  • EmptyBrainError

    when sliced_brain has not enough sections or when min_slices filters out all brain regions.


remove_region(region, *regions, fill_nan=True)

Removes the data from all the given regions in the current AnimalBrain


  • region : str

    The acronyms of the regions to exclude from the data.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= True

    If True, instead of removing the regions completely, it fills their value to NA.



Removes the regions for which there is no data about the size.


sort_by_ontology(brain_ontology, fill_nan=False, inplace=False)

Sorts the data in depth-first search order with respect to brain_ontology's hierarchy.


  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    The ontology to which the current data was registered against.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= False

    If True, it sets the value to NA for all the regions in brain_ontology missing in the current AnimalBrain.

  • inplace : bool, default= False

    If True, it applies the sorting to the current instance.


  • Self

    A brain with data sorted accordingly to brain_ontology. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.


select_from_list(regions, fill_nan=False, inplace=False)

Filters the data from a given list of regions.


  • regions : Sequence[str]

    The acronyms of the regions to select from the data.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= False

    If True, the regions missing from the current data are filled with NA. Otherwise, if the data from some regions are missing, they are ignored.

  • inplace : bool, default= False

    If True, it applies the filtering to the current instance.


  • Self

    A brain with data filtered accordingly to the given regions. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.

See also



select_from_ontology(brain_ontology, fill_nan=False, inplace=False)

Filters the data from a given ontology, accordingly to a non-overlapping list of regions previously selected in brain_ontology.
It fails if no selection method was called on the ontology.


  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    The ontology to which the current data was registered against.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= False

    If True, the regions missing from the current data are filled with NA. Otherwise, if the data from some regions are missing, they are ignored.

  • inplace : bool, default= False

    If True, it applies the filtering to the current instance.


  • Self

    A brain with data filtered accordingly to the given ontology selection. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.

See also

AnimalBrain.select_from_list AllenBrainOntology.get_selected_regions AllenBrainOntology.unselect_all AllenBrainOntology.add_to_selection AllenBrainOntology.select_at_depth AllenBrainOntology.select_at_structural_level AllenBrainOntology.select_leaves AllenBrainOntology.select_summary_structures AllenBrainOntology.select_regions AllenBrainOntology.get_regions



Returns the units of measurment of a marker.


  • marker : str | None, default= None

    The marker to get the units for. It can be omitted, if the current brain has only one marker.


  • str

    A string representing the units of measurement of marker.



Creates a new AnimalBrain from the current instance with no hemisphere distinction.


  • inplace

    If True, it applies the sorting to the current instance.


  • Self

    A new AnimalBrain with no hemisphere distinction. If it is already merged, it return the same instance with no changes.

See also




Converts the current AnimalBrain to a DataFrame. T


  • units : bool, default= False

    Whether the columns should include the units of measurement or not.


  • pd.DataFrame

    A DataFrame where the rows are the brain regions, the first column is the size of the regions, while the other columns contains the data for each marker. The columns' name is the name of the metric used.

See also



to_csv(output_path, sep=',', overwrite=False)

Write the current AnimalBrain to a comma-separated values (CSV) file in output_path.


  • output_path : Path | str

    Any valid string path is acceptable. It also accepts any os.PathLike.

  • sep : str, default= ','

    Character to treat as the delimiter.

  • overwrite : bool, default= False

    If True, it overwrite any conflicting file in output_path.


  • str

    The file path to the saved CSV file.


  • FileExistsError

    If overwrite=False and there is a conflicting file in output_path.

See also


is_raw staticmethod


Test whether the given string can be associated to a raw metric or not.


  • metric : str

    A string representing the name of a metric.


  • bool

    True, if the given string is associated to a raw metric. Otherwise, False.

from_pandas staticmethod

from_pandas(df, animal_name)

Creates an instance of AnimalBrain from a DataFrame.


  • df : pd.DataFrame

    A to_pandas-compatible DataFrame.

  • animal_name : str

    The name of the animal associated to the data in df.


  • Self

    An instance of AnimalBrain that corresponds to the data in df.

See also


from_csv staticmethod

from_csv(filepath, name, sep=',')

Reads a comma-separated values (CSV) file into AnimalBrain.


  • filepath : Path | str

    Any valid string path is acceptable. It also accepts any os.PathLike.

  • name : str

    Name of the animal associated to the data.

  • sep : str, default= ','

    Character or regex pattern to treat as the delimiter.


  • Self

    An instance of AnimalBrain that corresponds to the data in the CSV file

See also



AnimalGroup(name, animals, hemisphere_distinction=True, brain_ontology=None, fill_nan=True)

Creates an experimental cohort from a set of AnimalBrain.
In order for a cohort to be valid, it must consist of brains with the same type of data (i.e. metric), the same markers and the data must all be hemisphere-aware or not (i.e. AnimalBrain.is_split).

Data for regions missing in one animal but present in others will be always filled with NA.


  • name : str

    The name of the cohort.

  • animals : Sequence[AnimalBrain]

    The animals part of the group.

  • hemisphere_distinction : bool, default= True

    If False, it merges, for each region, the data from left/right hemispheres into a single value.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology, default= None

    The ontology to which the brains' data was registered against. If specified, it sorts the data in depth-first search order with respect to brain_ontology's hierarchy.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= True

    If True, it sets the value to NA for all the regions missing from the data but present in brain_ontology.

See also

AnimalBrain.merge_hemispheres BrainData.merge_hemispheres AnimalBrain.sort_by_ontology BrainData.sort_by_ontology AnimalBrain.select_from_list AnimalBrain.select_from_ontology

name instance-attribute

The name of the group.

n property

The size of the group.

metric property

The metric used to compute the brains' data.

is_split property

Whether the data of the current AnimalGroup makes a distinction between right and left hemisphere.

markers property

The name of the markers for which the current AnimalGroup has data.

regions property

The list of region acronyms for which the current AnimalGroup has data.

animals property

The brains making up the current group.

mean property

The mean between each brain of the group, for each region.




  • list[str]

    The names of the animals part of the current group.


reduce(op, **kwargs)

Applies a reduction to all animals of the group, for each region and for each marker.



  • dict[str, BrainData]

    Brain data for each marker of the group, result of the the folding.



Tests whether two AnimalGroup are comparable for an analysis, i.e. they have the same markers, the same metric and both either operate on brains hemisphere-aware or not.


  • other : Self

    The other group to compare with the current one.


  • bool

    True if the current group and other are comparable. False otherwise.


select(regions, fill_nan=False, inplace=False)

Filters the data from a given list of regions.


  • regions : Sequence[str]

    The acronyms of the regions to select from the data.

  • fill_nan

    If True, the regions missing from the current data are filled with NA. Otherwise, if the data from some regions are missing, they are ignored.

  • inplace

    If True, it applies the filtering to the current instance.


  • Self

    A group with data filtered accordingly to the given regions. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.

See also



apply(f, hemisphere_distinction=True, brain_ontology=None, fill_nan=False)

Applies a function to each animal of the group and creates a new AnimalGroup. Especially useful when applying some sort of metric to the brain data.


  • f : Callable[[AnimalBrain], AnimalBrain]

    A function that maps an AnimalBrain into another AnimalBrain.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology, default= None

    The ontology to which the brains' data was registered against.
    If specified, it sorts the data in depth-first search order with respect to brain_ontology's hierarchy.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= False

    If True, it sets the value to NA for all the regions missing from the data but present in brain_ontology.


  • Self

    A group with the data of each animal changed accordingly to f.



Returns the units of measurment of a marker.


  • marker : str | None, default= None

    The marker to get the units for. It can be omitted, if the current brain has only one marker.


  • str

    A string representing the units of measurement of marker.


sort_by_ontology(brain_ontology, fill_nan=True, inplace=True)

Sorts the data in depth-first search order with respect to brain_ontology's hierarchy.


  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    The ontology to which the current data was registered against.

  • fill_nan

    If True, it sets the value to NA for all the regions in brain_ontology missing in the current AnimalBrain.

  • inplace

    If True, it applies the sorting to the current instance.


  • None

    A brain with data sorted accordingly to brain_ontology. If inplace=True it returns the same instance.



Creates a new AnimalGroup from the current instance with no hemisphere distinction.


  • inplace

    If True, it applies the sorting to the current instance.


  • Self

    A new AnimalGroup with no hemisphere distinction. If inplace=True it modifies and returns the same instance.

See also

AnimalBrain.merge_hemispheres BrainData.merge_hemispheres


to_pandas(marker=None, units=False)

Constructs a DataFrame with data from the current group.


  • marker : str, default= None

    If specified, it includes data only from the given marker.

  • units : bool, default= False

    Whether to include the units of measurement in the DataFrame index.


  • pd.DataFrame

    A \(m×n\) DataFrame.
    If marker is specified, \(m=\#regions\) and \(n=\#brains\).
    Otherwise, \(m=\#regions⋅\#brains\) and \(n=\#markers+1\), as it contains the size of the regions as well. In the latter case, the index of the DataFrame has two levels: the acronyms of the regions and the name of the animal in the group.

    If a region is missing in some animals, the corresponding row is NA-filled.


to_csv(output_path, sep=',', overwrite=False)

Write the current AnimalGroup to a comma-separated values (CSV) file in output_path.


  • output_path : Path | str

    Any valid string path is acceptable. It also accepts any os.PathLike.

  • sep : str, default= ','

    Character to treat as the delimiter.

  • overwrite : bool, default= False

    If True, it overwrite any conflicting file in output_path.


  • str

    The file path to the saved CSV file.


  • FileExistsError

    If overwrite=False and there is a conflicting file in output_path.

See also


from_pandas staticmethod

from_pandas(df, group_name)

Creates an instance of AnimalGroup from a DataFrame.


  • df : pd.DataFrame

    A to_pandas-compatible DataFrame.

  • group_name : str

    The name of the group associated to the data in df.


  • Self

    An instance of AnimalGroup that corresponds to the data in df.

See also


from_csv staticmethod

from_csv(filepath, name, sep=',')

Reads a comma-separated values (CSV) file into AnimalGroup.


  • filepath : Path | str

    Any valid string path is acceptable. It also accepts any os.PathLike.

  • name : str

    Name of the group associated to the data.

  • sep : str, default= ','

    Character or regex pattern to treat as the delimiter.


  • Self

    An instance of AnimalGroup that corresponds to the data in the CSV file

See also


to_prism staticmethod

to_prism(marker, brain_ontology, group1, group2, *groups)

Prepares the marker data from multiple groups in a table structure that is convenient to analyse with statistical applications such as Prism by GraphPad, JASP or OriginPro.


  • marker

    The marker used to compare all groups.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    The ontology to which the groups' data was registered against.

  • group1 : Self

    The first group to include in the export.

  • group2 : Self

    The second group to include in the export.

  • *groups : Self, default= ()

    Any other number of groups to include in the export.


  • pd.DataFrame

    A DataFrame where rows are brain regions, columns are animals from each group.



SlicedGroup(name, animals, brain_ontology)

Creates an experimental cohort from a set of SlicedBrain.
It is meant to help keeping organised raw data coming multiple sections per-animal.


name property

The name of the sliced group.

animals property

The brains making up the current sliced group.

n property

The size of the sliced group.

from_qupath staticmethod

from_qupath(name, brain_names, qupath_dir, brain_ontology, ch2marker, exclude_parents, results_subdir='results', results_suffix='_regions.tsv', exclusions_subdir='regions_to_exclude', exclusions_suffix='_regions_to_exclude.txt')

Creates an experimental cohort from the section files exported with QuPath.


  • name : str

    The name of the cohort.

  • brain_names : Iterable[str]

    The names of the animals part of the group.

  • qupath_dir : Path | str

    The path to where all the reports of the brains' sections were saved from QuPath.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology

    An ontology against whose version the brains were aligned.

  • ch2marker : dict[str, str]

    A dictionary mapping QuPath channel names to markers.

  • exclude_parents : bool

    exclude_parent_regions from BrainSlice.exclude_regions.

  • results_subdir : str, default= 'results'

    The name of the subfolder in qupath_dir/brain_name that contains all cell counts files of each brain section.
    It can be None if no subfolder is used.

  • results_suffix : str, default= '_regions.tsv'

    The suffix used to identify cell counts files saved in results_subdir. It includes the file extension.

  • exclusions_subdir : str, default= 'regions_to_exclude'

    The name of the subfolder in qupath_dir/brain_name that contains all regions to exclude from further analysis of each brain section.
    It can be None if no subfolder is used.

  • exclusions_suffix : str, default= '_regions_to_exclude.txt'

    The suffix used to identify exclusion files saved in results_subdir. It includes the file extension.


  • Self

    A group made of sliced brain data.

See also





  • list[str]

    The names of the animals part of the current sliced group.


to_group(metric, min_slices, densities, hemisphere_distinction, validate)

Aggrecates the data from all sections of each SlicedBrain into AnimalBrain and organises them into the corresponding AnimalGroup.


  • metric : SliceMetrics

    The metric used to reduce sections data from the same region into a single value.

  • min_slices : int

    The minimum number of sections for a reduction to be valid. If a region has not enough sections, it will disappear from the dataset.

  • densities : bool

    If True, it computes the reduction on the section density (i.e., marker/area) instead of doing it on the raw cell counts.

  • hemisphere_distinction : bool

    If False, it merges, for each region, the data from left/right hemispheres into a single value.

  • validate : bool

    If True, it validates each region in each brain, checking that they are present in the brain region ontology against which the brains were alligned.


  • AnimalGroup

    A group with the values from sections of the same animals aggregated.

See also



Experiment(name, group1, group2, *groups)

Creates an experiment from the data of two or more AnimalGroups.


  • name : str

    The name of the experiment.

  • group1 : AnimalGroup

    The first group of the experiment.

  • group2 : AnimalGroup

    The second group of the experiment.

  • *groups : AnimalGroup, default= ()

    Any other group of the experiment.

name property

The name of the experiment.

groups property

The groups making up the current experiment.


apply(f, hemisphere_distinction=True, brain_ontology=None, fill_nan=False)

Applies a function to each animal of the groups of the experiment and creates a new Experiment. Especially useful when applying some sort of metric to the brain data.


  • f : Callable[[AnimalBrain], AnimalBrain]

    A function that maps an AnimalBrain into another AnimalBrain.

  • brain_ontology : AllenBrainOntology, default= None

    The ontology to which the brains' data was registered against.
    If specified, it sorts the data in depth-first search order with respect to brain_ontology's hierarchy.

  • fill_nan : bool, default= False

    If True, it sets the value to NA for all the regions missing from the data but present in brain_ontology.


  • Self

    An experiment with the data of each animal changed accordingly to f.


SlicedExperiment(name, group1, group2, *groups)

Creates an experiment from the data of two or more SlicedGroups.


  • name : str

    The name of the sliced experiment.

  • group1 : SlicedGroup

    The first group of the sliced experiment.

  • group2 : SlicedGroup

    The second group of the sliced experiment.

  • *groups : Iterable[SlicedGroup], default= ()

    Any other group of the sliced experiment.

name property

The name of the sliced experiment.

groups property

The groups making up the current sliced experiment.


to_experiment(metric, min_slices, densities, hemisphere_distinction, validate)

Aggrecates the data from all sections of each SlicedBrain into SlicedGroup and organises them into the corresponding Experiment.


  • metric : SliceMetrics

    The metric used to reduce sections data from the same region into a single value.

  • min_slices : int

    The minimum number of sections for a reduction to be valid. If a region has not enough sections, it will disappear from the dataset.

  • densities : bool

    If True, it computes the reduction on the section density (i.e., marker/area) instead of doing it on the raw cell counts.

  • hemisphere_distinction : bool

    If False, it merges, for each region, the data from left/right hemispheres into a single value.

  • validate : bool

    If True, it validates each region in each brain, checking that they are present in the brain region ontology against which the brains were alligned.


  • Experiment

    An experiment with the values from sections of the same animals aggregated.

See also
