Multi-channel image analysis

With this tutorial we will guide you into:

  • reading a configuration file of BraiAnDetect
  • apply the parameters for cell detection specified in the config file for each image channel
  • compute markers' co-labelling
  • exclude brain regions
  • export results to CSV file

All code in this page pretty much traces this script, available in Extensions ‣ BraiAn ‣ scripts in QuPath.

Before we start

We want to import all necessary dependencies

import qupath.ext.braian.*
import qupath.ext.braian.config.*

import static qupath.lib.scripting.QP.*

Configuration file

BraiAnDetect can read a YAML configuration file to specify basic information about a project and its data.

Here we use the example configuration file that is in the extension's Git repository, and here commented.

First we read a file named BraiAn.yml. It searches it in the QuPath projects's folder or, if not found, in the parent folder which supposedly contains all the projects of the same experiment.

var config ="BraiAn.yml")

Figure 1: Folder organization for an experiment managed by QuPath and BraiAnDetect

Region of interests

BraiAnDetect operates over regions of interests defined in each image. You can select them by specifying their QuPath classification in the configuration file:

BraiAn.ymlclassForDetections: null

You can call getAnnotationsForDetections() to search such annotations. If null it returns a full-image annotation, effectively selecting the whole image with no focus on any particular region.

ImageData imageData = getCurrentImageData()
PathObjectHierarchy hierarchy = imageData.getHierarchy()
Collection<PathAnnotationObject> annotations = config.getAnnotationsForDetections(hierarchy)


Given a list of annotations, BraiAnDetect then can manage object segmentation, within the ROIs, for each of the given image channels.
As of now, segmentation is managed through QuPath algorithm and all of its parameters can be specified in the configuration file, for each channel:

  - name: "AF568" # cFos

  - name: "AF647" # Arc
      requestedPixelSizeMicrons: 1
      # Nucleus parameters
      backgroundRadiusMicrons: 20
      backgroundByReconstruction: true
      medianRadiusMicrons: 0.0
      sigmaMicrons: 1.5
      minAreaMicrons: 40.0
      maxAreaMicrons: 1000.0
      # Intensity parameters
      # threshold: -1
      watershedPostProcess: true
      # Cell parameters
      cellExpansionMicrons: 5.0
      includeNuclei: true
      # General parameters
      smoothBoundaries: true
      makeMeasurements: true

For an in-depth description of what each parameter do, we suggest you to look at the example configuration file.

For each image channel, we can compute the detections within the ROIs accordingly to detectionsConf.parameters:

var server = imageData.getServer()
var allDetections = []
for(ChannelDetectionsConfig detectionsConfig in config.channelDetections) {
    var channel = new ImageChannelTools(, server)
    try {
        var detections = new ChannelDetections(channel, annotations, detectionsConf.parameters, hierarchy)
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {}

Detection containers

Whenever BraiAnDetect creates a ChannelDetections object, it will "insert" each QuPath detection inside a QuPath annotation called, in BraiAn terms, detection container. Containers will be inserted in QuPath's hierarchy right under the corresponding object in annotations.

Read more about detection containers.

Automatic threshold

Sometimes it is hard to determine the best threshold used by QuPath's watershed algorithm for the a whole brain. Lots of factors may play a role in each section image (section size, section quality, acquisition, density,...), making it a daunting task to fine tune the threshold to the best value, for each of them.
For this reason BraiAnDetect offers an interface for automatically choosing a threshold based on the intensity histogram derived from the corresponding image.

Figure 2: Histograms in QuPath's GUI

In order to apply this automatic-threshold, you specify a couple of histogramThreshold parameters in the configuration file, and BraiAn will replace any value in threshold with the one computed from the image histogram.

  - name: "AF568" # cFos

  - name: "AF647" # Arc
        resolutionLevel: 4
        smoothWindowSize: 15
        peakProminence: 30
        nPeak: 1

Effectively, it:

  • computes the intensity histogram of the current image at the given resolution level. The higher resolutionLevel the faster, at the cost of sampling fewer pixels from which to build the histogram;
  • applies a moving average to smooth the histogram's curve. The bigger the smoothWindowSize, the more local small peaks will be flattened out;
  • filters out the local maxima having a distance from the surrounding local minima smaller than peakProminence. The remaining maxima are considered peak;
  • picks the nPeak-th peak and uses it as threshold for the current image.

What it does behind the curtain is very similar to the following python code:

// QuPath script
import qupath.ext.braian.*

var server = getCurrentServer()
println server.nResolutions()
var resolutionLevel = 4
var h = new ImageChannelTools("AF568", server).getHistogram(resolutionLevel)
println h.values
# python script
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from scipy.signal import filtfilt
from scipy.signal import find_peaks

h = [633474, 3981, 5143, 2732, 1444, 1116, 930, 561, 322, ...] # histogram from QuPath script
h = np.array(h)
smoothWindowSize = 15
peakProminence = 30

smoothed = filtfilt(np.ones(smoothWindowSize) / smoothWindowSize, 1, h[5:])
peaks = find_peaks(smoothed, prominence=peakProminence)

fig = go.Figure([
    go.Scatter(y=h[5:], name="histogram"),
    go.Scatter(y=smoothed, name="smoothed", marker_color="green"),
    go.Scatter(x=peaks[0], y=smoothed[peaks[0]], name="peaks",
               mode="markers", marker_size=8, marker_color="red")
).update_xaxes(title="#pixels", range=(0,len(h)))\
.update_yaxes(type="log", range=[0,4])


Often the intensity histograms has very high values for x=0 and surroundings, due to images having a black background. This, however, is not considered a peak because it misses the left-hand local minimum.

Find co-labelled detections

Sometimes our experiment requires that we identify and count co-labelled segmentation. BraiAn can help you achieving this, by offering an interface for computing all possible combinations of co-labelled detections.

This requires you to pass BraiAn all the pre-computed ChannelDetections between which you want to find the co-labels into an OverlappingDetections object. BraiAn will then use one set of detections (i.e. control detections) to check whether there are other detections whose centroid fall inside the control's perimeter.


Let \(A\), \(B\) and \(C\) be the pre-computed detections, with \(A\) as control. Then the computed co-labelling will only be between \((A, B)\) and \((A, C)\). If you desire to have \((B, C)\) co-labelling as well, you need to compute a new OverlappingDetections.

Co-labelling with one single control can also be instructed in the configuration file:

  apply: true
  controlChannel: "AF568"

Once defined the control channel, we can select the detections computed on that same channel as well as all the detections computed on the other channels, and use them to create an OverlappingDetections object:

var overlaps = []
Optional<String> control
if ((control = config.getControlChannel()).isPresent() ) {
    String controlChannelName = control.get()
    var controlChannel = allDetections.find { it.getId() == controlChannelName }
    var otherChannels = allDetections.findAll { it.getId() != controlChannelName }
    overlaps = [new OverlappingDetections(controlChannel, otherChannels, true, hierarchy)]

Region exclusions

Figure 3: A brain section in QuPath with exclusion annotation drawn.

Sometimes we would like to discard some parts of a section—be it for problems with the tissue, imaging or registration to an atlas—but we would still like to keep some portions!
BraiAn allows you to define which regions to exclude from the aligned brain section. You can appoint these regions by completely covering them with ad-hoc annotations—i.e. they can't be an annotation imported by ABBA—and classified with "Exclude". If you don't have it, create it.

There are two ways to create these exclusion annotations:

  1. by drawing them over the regions to exclude;
  2. by duplicating the annotations of the regions to exclude.


If you want to be sure that you selected all the brain regions that you intended to exclude, you can click on Extensions ‣ BraiAn ‣ Show regions currently excluded.


When working on the exclusions, we highly suggest you to lock the brain annotations to avoid disrupting the hierarchy by mistake.

In the event that a mistake done during the exclusions step has slipped away, BraiAn will, annoyingly, let you know; either while executing a QuPath script, or later during the python analysis. With the objective of making this step less frustrating, AtlasManager.fixExclusions() finds the most common mistakes and tries to correct them.

Drawn exclusions

You can draw an annotation around the region you want to exclude using the closed polygon tool (P) or the brush tool (B). The resulting annotation should contain all the boundaries of the region to be excluded.
This means that the shapes should completely cover the brain regions; adjecent regions won't be affected if portions of their annotation fall within the exclusion annotation.

Duplicated exclusions

You can duplicate a brain region annotation by selecting it and pressing Shift+D in QuPath. The duplicated shape—i.e. the one to be classified as "Exclude"—will be positioned outside of the atlas ontology, in the Hierarchy tab (see Fig. 3).
Mind that the "Root" annotation (with capital 'R') containing all brain regions imported with ABBA is not a brain region itself. If you want to exclude the whole section, you should duplicate the "root" annotation(s) (with lower 'r'), children of "Root"; if you split between right and left hemispheres, you will have to duplicate & exclude both the left and right "root" annotations.


If you accidentally changed the classification of a brain region imported with ABBA, you have to create a new classification with the correct identifier of the region (i.e. the acronym or the id, with or without hemisphere distinction).
Alternatively, you can re-import the brain region annotations using ABBA extension.

Export segmentation results

Lastly, if brain region annotations imported with ABBA, we can export per-region segmentation counts as well as a list of excluded regions.

if (AtlasManager.isImported(hierarchy)) {
    var atlas = new AtlasManager(hierarchy)
    var imageName = getProjectEntry().getImageName().replace("/", "-")

    var resultsFile = new File(buildPathInProject("results", imageName + "_regions.tsv"))
    atlas.saveResults(allDetections + overlaps, resultsFile)

    def exclusionsFile = new File(buildPathInProject("regions_to_exclude", imageName + "_regions_to_exclude.txt"))

Figure 4: Folder organization after exporting from QuPath all results for each section of all brains

Here are the examples of the exported files:

2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01_regions.tsvImage Name Name    Classification  Area um^2   Num Detections  Num AF568   Num AF647   Num AF568~AF647
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01    Root    null    49853679.926    158686  12718   9024    2975
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01    root    Left: root  24192506.000    76254   5585    4665    1246
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01    grey    Left: grey  21531501.610    70127   5357    4653    1239
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01    CH  Left: CH    15435841.264    51849   3992    4340    1203
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01    CNU Left: CNU   5184606.649 12237   723 12  10
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01    PAL Left: PAL   1547914.281 3977    221 2   2
2023_08_28__0787.czi - Scene #01_regions_to_exclude.txtLeft: IIn
Left: OT
Left: PVa
Left: PVpo
Left: RSPv1
Left: RSPv2/3
Left: RT
Left: SCH
Left: SO
Left: VISa1
Left: VISam1
Left: VISrl1
Right: AUDp
Right: PVa
Right: RCH
Right: RSPv1
Right: SCH
Right: cm